Design features
Enhance your web site with design features - Javascript programming, CSS features available on request
Video can be added as content or as a background

Displaying a video on the home page background helps create
a striking introduction to your website, services and products
a unique experience for your customers

Easily added to your existing website too
Slide content onto the page from any direction as the page appears

Eye catching content slides into view whilst the page is being scrolled
the image appears to slide into place, once only when the page is displayed

Click image to show

These effects can be easily added to your existing website too
Adding a slow fade enhances image presentation

Adds a softer touch to display selected images or objects, whilst
changing the duration can appear to lay multiple objects onto the page

Click image to show

Easily configurable for different fade-in durations to suit
Hover for a slow zoom, increases customer engagement

Adds an elegant personal touch to selected images to bring accent
or highlight to your website and enhances your visitors experience

Hover the mouse over the image

Configurable for different zoom scales and speed to suit
Add a spinner behind image loading

No images, no external CSS
No dependencies
Highly configurable
Resolution independent
Uses @keyframe animations
Works in all major browsers, including IE6

Author: fgnass
Always have a white Christmas
Add realistic snow effect to your website
Click the snow globe to toggle snow on/off

May be configured to start on specific dates such as December
Hand crafted snowflakes provide a uniquely personal touch
Move the mouse around to vary the wind speed
Refresh page to change fall speed
Optionally switched off on mobile devices by default to save battery
Many settings available to vary flakes, floating, settling, wind speed etc
Please Contact us by mail or use our
Contact form to discuss your requirements.